etccdb: coney island
etccdb: coney island
etccdb: coney island
etccdb: coney island
etccdb: coney island
etccdb: coney island
etccdb: coney island
etccdb: coney island
etccdb: coney island
etccdb: _MG_9088
etccdb: _MG_9089
etccdb: so cool!
etccdb: munchin'
etccdb: dance to the music
etccdb: _MG_9131
etccdb: _MG_9134
etccdb: _MG_9143
etccdb: bookends
etccdb: three generations
etccdb: julian
etccdb: _MG_9161
etccdb: never know what you will find on the boardwalk!!
etccdb: regal lady
etccdb: _MG_9177
etccdb: from the 80"s
etccdb: friends of firemen sorting thru the donations
etccdb: this line went for at least 10 blocks
etccdb: there are gas stations open..but lines of cars and lines of people with cans
etccdb: so sad
etccdb: total loss