Tara Holland: Jake and the Horsies
Tara Holland: Saying hello...
Tara Holland: Climbing fences...
Tara Holland: Another beautiful day...
Tara Holland: In Wem
Tara Holland: Small town shopping...
Tara Holland: Jake and the Campanile
Tara Holland: Jake and the Knights of Malta
Tara Holland: Capitalism is Boring {repost}
Tara Holland: Ad for Jesus
Tara Holland: Unitarian Way Ad...
Tara Holland: On the way to the shops...
Tara Holland: Jake presents his loaf of bread!
Tara Holland: Jake's first loaf of bread!
Tara Holland: Ad for God
Tara Holland: Jake and Jake
Tara Holland: Jake and Rita and Rita's books...
Tara Holland: IMG_6777
Tara Holland: Jake's First Trick or Treat Expedition