eszter: Elevator usability problem
eszter: Tea Bistro
eszter: Orrington elevator decor
eszter: Debra with Willie in the tree
eszter: Construction from above
eszter: Frozen lake
eszter: Looking north
eszter: West side of Lake Michigan
eszter: Northern suburbs
eszter: North on Lake Michigan
eszter: Winter lake
eszter: Chicago from afar
eszter: Chicagoland and Lake Michigan
eszter: Straight road leading to Chicago
eszter: Looking south toward Chicago
eszter: Chicago suburbs covered in snow
eszter: Mountains from above
eszter: Mountains from above
eszter: Sunrise
eszter: Early morning flight
eszter: United aircraft early in the morning
eszter: Chicago Dance, River North
eszter: Closed by appointment only (huh?)
eszter: Sears Tower in clouds
eszter: Union Station, Chicago
eszter: The disappearance of the Sears Tower
eszter: Phone booth
eszter: Confused delivery, take 2
eszter: Ethiopian dish, yum!
eszter: Cucumber soup with honey