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Kapoi finds Pueo eggs near Kewalo Basin while gathering pili grass to repair his roof.
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The Pueo Aliʻi asks for the eggs back, and Kapoi consents.
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Watching from the 2nd story. #808urban
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Papa Pueo is a kalo (taro) from Maui with a white stripe on the stalks. It represents Kāne, god of life, artistic creation, enlightenment and fresh water.
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The #pueo are guarding. Electric boxes painted by #808urban youth.
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The Pueo are watching and guarding the park. This land once belonged to royalty.
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The giant's footprints as loʻi where once an ancient loʻi existed in Waikiki. #808urban
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Some of the young #808urban painters with Kahu @kamanaopono
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Pueo (Hawaiian owl) in Waikiki. #808urban
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Art truck I painted recently.
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In progress shot of #Haumea with @houseofmeggs
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Just got to finish the hand. #powwowhawaii #houseofmeggs
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Fish by @houseofmeggs #powwohawaii
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Haumea, the goddess of procreation, turns into ulu (breadfruit).
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Kamapuaʻa the pig god taking the form of the fish, Humumunukunukuapuaʻa #powwohawaii
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O ka Mihi ka Laau
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O ka Mihi ka Laau
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O ka Mihi ka Laau
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O ka Mihi ka Laau
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O ka Mihi ka Laau
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O ka Mihi ka Laau
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O ka Mihi ka Laau
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O ka Mihi ka Laau
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O ka Mihi ka Laau
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O ka Mihi ka Laau
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O ka Mihi ka Laau