Estherrr<3: Dandilion.
Estherrr<3: Two flowers.
Estherrr<3: softball feild.
Estherrr<3: leaf.
Estherrr<3: Spooky Tree.
Estherrr<3: telllephonepole.
Estherrr<3: tellephone wire pole thing
Estherrr<3: treee
Estherrr<3: Our tree.
Estherrr<3: bridge
Estherrr<3: telephonepoles
Estherrr<3: A old broken down building.
Estherrr<3: oil pump thing:p
Estherrr<3: signs.
Estherrr<3: mail box
Estherrr<3: houses
Estherrr<3: hilllls
Estherrr<3: freeway on ramp
Estherrr<3: freeway off ramp
Estherrr<3: hicktown.
Estherrr<3: call box
Estherrr<3: Simply Beautful
Estherrr<3: 5 south and magic mountian parkway :]
Estherrr<3: Spiderweb.
Estherrr<3: Close up of spiderweb.
Estherrr<3: The sky, and a traffic light.
Estherrr<3: Flowers:]
Estherrr<3: The beach<3
Estherrr<3: Sunset, sorta.