estherase: death comes on silent wings
estherase: fight
estherase: bird
estherase: bee rider
estherase: moth
estherase: bad dream
estherase: fuzzy
estherase: you've got the cutest little baby face
estherase: claws
estherase: not looking well
estherase: even more eek than the shark
estherase: scary baby
estherase: bottled
estherase: eerie
estherase: scary
estherase: tree people
estherase: immortality
estherase: nurture
estherase: scary
estherase: skeletal
estherase: you've got the cutest little baby face
estherase: tail
estherase: christmas angel
estherase: time to get some sleep
estherase: dino attack
estherase: day 360: shy woodland creature
estherase: day 357: still thinking halloween
estherase: day 313: surreal
estherase: eye eye
estherase: fuzzy wuzzn't alone...