Esther17: greetings from I-10!
Esther17: yummy, delicious, mine!
Esther17: middle of nowhere AZ
Esther17: enshrouded
Esther17: bow of adorableness
Esther17: ms. irresistable strikes again
Esther17: snack nirvana
Esther17: i'm faster!
Esther17: terra marsha
Esther17: under wraps
Esther17: breaking bread
Esther17: like mother, like son
Esther17: hope you're hungry!
Esther17: never argue with a crazy lady wielding a turkey leg
Esther17: still remains
Esther17: moments in the conversation
Esther17: whatcha got there? is it a hambone? huh, hmm, well?