Esther17: After Hours club wear
Esther17: Do Vegas Right
Esther17: does this light shining out of my leg make my ass look big?
Esther17: get in here
Esther17: what's the name of your store, again?
Esther17: as is, suckas
Esther17: ASS E
Esther17: PJ party
Esther17: conversations of a stranger
Esther17: point of view
Esther17: pecs and babes
Esther17: moments in your imagination
Esther17: try not to lose Junior's college fund, alright?
Esther17: dork in a build-a-bear store
Esther17: i'll have one bottle of imported fountain water, please.
Esther17: don't let the sign hit you in the ass!
Esther17: stopped.
Esther17: if i'd had an extra $9000 dollars...
Esther17: Established 1999
Esther17: I wish I were big.
Esther17: Uglydog wished you were here
Esther17: dodging the Flickrazzi
Esther17: "mahwage...mahwage is what bwings usth togethwer ...tooday."
Esther17: art, schmart, it's shiny and purple!
Esther17: no tears in this beer
Esther17: when chicken sammiches are outlawed, only outlaws will have chicken sammiches
Esther17: what? do you have a treat for me? do you want me to jump on you? how about running around the room like a crazed tasmanian devil? what?!?
Esther17: another view
Esther17: by the yard
Esther17: psychic cowboy