Esther17: stickin' it to the man
Esther17: just us and mama nature
Esther17: burnt sienna
Esther17: cheddar trees
Esther17: all along the water tower
Esther17: hiding spot
Esther17: Arizona Diesel, Inc.
Esther17: mini tower of power
Esther17: embedded
Esther17: non-potable water only
Esther17: chained heat
Esther17: wheels are still turning
Esther17: the leaf fell. i heard it.
Esther17: layabout leaves
Esther17: *poof*
Esther17: wood you look at all those lines?
Esther17: ¡CUIDADO!
Esther17: no leaning, unless you like that sort of thing...
Esther17: pipe down!
Esther17: trying to get a better view
Esther17: here we are!
Esther17: redneck wine dispenser
Esther17: your moment of zen
Esther17: bedframe, anyone?
Esther17: pump it up!
Esther17: a trio of possibilities
Esther17: solitary diner
Esther17: choices
Esther17: days go by
Esther17: sunset time