Esther17: uninvited
Esther17: Convention
Esther17: Traveling
Esther17: Lookin' for a home
Esther17: Bob and Jim enjoying a lazy summer day
Esther17: What a sap!
Esther17: Just flew in from Michigan, and man, are my wings tired!
Esther17: butterfly's day out
Esther17: bee yourself
Esther17: watch your step
Esther17: "shoo, human! i'm doing yoga here."
Esther17: Mothra says "Hi!"
Esther17: randall saw bigger things coming his way
Esther17: too fast for me
Esther17: where's waldo?
Esther17: he was ready for his closeup
Esther17: pit stop
Esther17: more floofy, a ladybug, and landscape bokeh
Esther17: bee booty reporting for duty!
Esther17: twists and turns
Esther17: stripey caterpillar, shakin' that ass, shakin' that ass...
Esther17: hey, wait a minute! where ya goin'? wait for me!
Esther17: he shoulda taken that left toin at albequoikee!
Esther17: geez, lady, whaddya want?
Esther17: he wasn't having any of it
Esther17: sunrise staredown
Esther17: right before he took out the restraining order.
Esther17: he put his left leg out...
Esther17: hang in there, it's almost Friday!
Esther17: miles to go before i sleep