Esther17: that's hail, baby! (on Vimeo)
Esther17: on the way there (on Vimeo)
Esther17: here in my apartment (on Vimeo)
Esther17: happy birthday, stef! (on Vimeo)
Esther17: close, but no banana (on Vimeo)
Esther17: clandestine trampoline (on Vimeo)
Esther17: a little day music (and some driving) (on Vimeo)
Esther17: wheeee!
Esther17: just us and mama nature
Esther17: friday sunset at the lake
Esther17: morning, my sunshines!
Esther17: sunset time
Esther17: rick-rollin' on the way to phoenix..
Esther17: Times Square Dance
Esther17: sun, sun, sun, here it comes.
Esther17: swim, swim, peck, peck, swim, swim ...
Esther17: and-a one, and-a two ...
Esther17: communing
Esther17: Highlands in the parking lot
Esther17: my porch view
Esther17: p170.365 - damn high winds ....