Esther17: tool rack
Esther17: Everlast
Esther17: blue glass
Esther17: left behind
Esther17: Keys Redux
Esther17: sea of smashed glass
Esther17: glass footprint
Esther17: Twice is disturbing
Esther17: Once upon a time...
Esther17: binky
Esther17: She didn't speak to him for two weeks after that.
Esther17: strange, fuzzy, rainbow thingie
Esther17: hoop dreams
Esther17: no touchy
Esther17: on the outs
Esther17: trash can alley
Esther17: ronnie knew he'd messed up... big.
Esther17: she had to leave it behind
Esther17: repository
Esther17: serve cold, keep on ice
Esther17: house of cards
Esther17: it was all he had left
Esther17: just in case you needed one.
Esther17: as soon as we fix our sign, that is.
Esther17: hey there, lonely ball ...
Esther17: ronnie had been feeling a bit deflated for awhile.
Esther17: stepped out