Esther17: Sugar at work, lessens the pain
Esther17: Bob's first day didn't go well.
Esther17: They were swingin', old school style.
Esther17: Shiny memories, they made her smile
Esther17: They laughed; Whitey had big dreams.
Esther17: Cupcakes make the world go round
Esther17: Peter hated that pumpkin eater story
Esther17: Larry and Joe, two fun guys
Esther17: so many doors, so many secrets
Esther17: Make like a tree, and leave
Esther17: The light's on, but nobody's home
Esther17: Joe always was jealous of Kong
Esther17: The sky danced along that night
Esther17: Have a droplet and a smile
Esther17: Bozo's bank had him big pimpin'
Esther17: Waiting for the quartet to arrive
Esther17: RAWR, Ho, RAWR, Ho, Ho, RAWR!
Esther17: Mountain of chicken, An overrated restaurant
Esther17: The diet would have to wait
Esther17: If she could only fly away
Esther17: My mind drifted, and I dreamed
Esther17: Sweet promises can go either way
Esther17: Color and friendship brighten the soul
Esther17: Quiet time away from the group.
Esther17: Jessica's love was worth cold feet
Esther17: Benches need some alone time, too
Esther17: Unwanted Peeps Stare Right Through You
Esther17: Worlds away, thoughts came and went.
Esther17: Don't taunt the Happy Magic Gumball
Esther17: Check your souls at the door