Singer Songwriter - Geometric Artist: Contemporary art - Spiritual drawings - Inspired by the Moon
Singer Songwriter - Geometric Artist: Contemporary art - Spiritual art - The union
Singer Songwriter - Geometric Artist: Contemporary art - Spiritual art - Spiritual drawings - Tribal Prayer
Singer Songwriter - Geometric Artist: Contemporary art - Spiritual art - Spiritual drawings - The Abundant Life
Singer Songwriter - Geometric Artist: Contemporary art - Spiritual art - Natural Creation
Singer Songwriter - Geometric Artist: Contemporary art - Artistic drawings - Butterflies
Singer Songwriter - Geometric Artist: Contemporary art - Artistic drawings - Art drawings - Transition
Singer Songwriter - Geometric Artist: Contemporary art - Art drawings - The Tree of Life
Singer Songwriter - Geometric Artist: Contemporary art - Art drawings - The Horse-Tree
Singer Songwriter - Geometric Artist: Lost-in-the-red-forest
Singer Songwriter - Geometric Artist: Two-Shades-of-a-Woman