|esra|: soyut
|esra|: rusty geometry
|esra|: :-o
|esra|: up
|esra|: kulp
|esra|: far away from the roots
|esra|: hours
|esra|: water vs metal
|esra|: leke
|esra|: paslı
|esra|: teneke
|esra|: çivit
|esra|: cubic art in the sky
|esra|: sailing inside - but the boat has no sails :(
|esra|: arrow bokeh reflection
|esra|: hubble
|esra|: bir gün tek başına/one day alone
|esra|: lades
|esra|: color theory
|esra|: fallen stars 4
|esra|: fallen stars 5
|esra|: fallen stars 3
|esra|: fallen stars 2
|esra|: fallen stars 1
|esra|: 8-1
|esra|: yello!
|esra|: fallen stars 6
|esra|: mum