espederle: Rodenstock-Trinar 1:3,5 f=105mm A 1
espederle: Rodenstock-Trinar 1:3,5 f=105mm A 3
espederle: Rodenstock-Trinar 1:3,5 f=105mm A 4
espederle: Rodenstock-Trinar 1:3,5 f=105mm A 2
espederle: beautiful orange daylily (Hemerocallis fulva | Gelbrote Taglilie), Niederursel, Frankfurt
espederle: queen of the meadow (Filipendula ulmaria | Echtes Mädesüß, Niederursel, Frankfurt
espederle: great hairy willow-herb (Epilobium hirsutum | Behaartes Weidenröschen) inn the sunlight, Niederursel, Frankfurt
espederle: hawksbeard (Crepis | Pippau) blossoms and buds, Niddapark, Frankfurt
espederle: clover blossom in wet grass, Niddapark, Frankfurt
espederle: meadow of crowfoot (Ranunculus | Hahnenfuß), Huthpark, Frankfurt
espederle: lonely crowfoot (Ranunculus | Hahnenfuß), Huthpark, Frankfurt
espederle: bush vetch (Vicia sepium | Zaun-Wicke) in the grass 2, Huthpark, Frankfurt
espederle: colourful Huthpark, Frankfurt
espederle: bush vetch (Vicia sepium | Zaun-Wicke) in the grass 1, Huthpark, Frankfurt
espederle: dandelion (Taraxacum | Löwenzahn) still closed, Huthpark, Frankfurt
espederle: jointed charlock | Raphanus raphanistrum | Ackerrettich, Huthpark, Frankfurt
espederle: visitor in crowfoot (Ranunculus | Hahnenfuß), Huthpark, Frankfurt
espederle: crowfoot (Ranunculus | Hahnenfuß) and visitor, Huthpark, Frankfurt
espederle: common beech | Fagus sylvatica | Rotbuche, Huthpark, Frankfurt
espederle: young leaves of a common beech, Huthpark, Frankfurt
espederle: young leaves of a common beech, Huthpark, Frankfurt
espederle: wet sunflower, Frankfurt
espederle: wet Adria bellflower (Campanula portenschlagiana | Dalmatiner Glockenblume) 1, Frankfurt
espederle: Adria bellflower (Campanula portenschlagiana | Dalmatiner Glockenblume) in the rain 2, Frankfurt
espederle: look what the neighbours are doing, Frankfurt
espederle: cockscomb (Celosia cristata | Hahnenkamm), Frankfurt
espederle: Adria bellflower (Campanula portenschlagiana | Dalmatiner Glockenblume) in the rain 1, Frankfurt
espederle: wet Adria bellflower (Campanula portenschlagiana | Dalmatiner Glockenblume) 3, Frankfurt, Frankfurt
espederle: yellow tulip in colourful surrounding at Bethmannpark, Frankfurt