espederle: Olympus OM Zuiko Auto-T 100mm 1:2
espederle: photo session Malena 13, Oberwaldhaus, Darmstadt
espederle: Lucile's glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae, Scilla luciliae | Gewöhnliche Sternhyazinthe) 3, Frankfurt
espederle: Lucile's glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae, Scilla luciliae | Gewöhnliche Sternhyazinthe) 1, Frankfurt
espederle: celandine or pileworth (Ranunculus ficaria, Scharbockskraut), Huthpark, Frankfurt
espederle: Pia grinning, Heiligenstock, Frankfurt
espederle: Pia laughing, Heiligenstock, Frankfurt
espederle: Lucile's glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae, Scilla luciliae | Gewöhnliche Sternhyazinthe) 2, Frankfurt
espederle: tulip 1, Frankfurt
espederle: tulip 2, Frankfurt
espederle: hairy marshmallow | Althaea hirsuta or Malva setigera | Rauer Eibisch, Bethmannpark, Frankfurt
espederle: blossom of silk tree (Albizia julibrissin | Seidenbaum), Bethmannpark, Frankfurt
espederle: red-hot poker | Kniphofia uvaria | Schopf-Fackellilie, Bethmannpark, Frankfurt
espederle: curled thistle | Carduus crispus | Krause Distel, Bethmannpark, Frankfurt
espederle: autumn sneezeweed | Helenium autumnale | Gewöhnliche Sonnenbraut, Bethmannpark, Frankfurt
espederle: blossom of silk tree (Albizia julibrissin | Seidenbaum), Bethmannpark, Frankfurt
espederle: red-hot poker | Kniphofia uvaria | Schopf-Fackellilie, Bethmannpark, Frankfurt
espederle: two bumblebees in the sunlight, Bethmannpark, Frankfurt
espederle: yucca | Yucca flaccida | Schlaffe Palmlilie, Bethmannpark, Frankfurt
espederle: French marigold | Tagetes patula | Studentenblume, Bethmannpark, Frankfurt
espederle: red rose, Bethmannpark, Frankfurt
espederle: canna lily | Canna x hybrida | Blumenrohr, Bethmannpark, Frankfurt
espederle: stone with iron from water of spring "Königsbrünnchen", Frankfurt city forest
espederle: bracket fungus, Frankfurt city forest
espederle: "eye" of a root, Frankfurt city forest
espederle: birch tree trunk, Maunzenweiher, Frankfurt city forest
espederle: wrks, Maunzenweiher, Frankfurt city forest
espederle: Pia playing in water, Maunzenweiher, Frankfurt city forest
espederle: sun going down on Maunzenweiher, Frankfurt city forest
espederle: island at Maunzenweiher, Frankfurt city forest