espederle: Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 1:2 f=58mm T
espederle: Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 1:2 f=58mm T
espederle: Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 1:2 f=58mm T
espederle: Meyer-Optik Görlitz Orestegor 4/300
espederle: pigeon's scabious | Scabiosa columbaria | Tauben-Skabiose, Rhön
espederle: Carline thistle | Carlina acaulis | Silberdistel, Rhön
espederle: fly on Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis | Kanadische Goldrute), Main shore, Frankfurt
espederle: California poppy | Eschscholzia californica | Kalifornischer Mohn, Main shore, Frankfurt 2
espederle: common sunflower | Helianthus annuus | Gewöhnliche Sonnenblume, Main shore, Frankfurt
espederle: common snowberry | Symphoricarpos albus | Gemeine Schneebeere, Main shore, Frankfurt
espederle: common sage | Salvia officinalis | Echter Salbei, Main shore, Frankfurt
espederle: nasturtium | Tropaeolum majus | Große Kapuzinerkresse, Main shore, Frankfurt 2
espederle: chicory | Cichorium intybus | Wegwarte, Main shore, Frankfurt
espederle: California poppy | Eschscholzia californica | Kalifornischer Mohn, Main shore, Frankfurt 1
espederle: borage | Borago officinalis | Borretsch, Main shore, Frankfurt 2
espederle: borage | Borago officinalis | Borretsch, Main shore, Frankfurt 1
espederle: bud of Japanese anemone (Anemone hupehensis | Herbstanemone), Main shore, Frankfurt
espederle: Japanese anemone | Anemone hupehensis | Herbstanemone, Main shore, Frankfurt 2
espederle: Japanese anemone | Anemone hupehensis | Herbstanemone, Main shore, Frankfurt 1
espederle: knapweed | Centaurea | Flockenblume, Frankfurt
espederle: yarrow in the grass 2, Heiligenstock, Frankfurt
espederle: yarrow in the grass 1, Heiligenstock, Frankfurt
espederle: oregano, Heiligenstock, Frankfurt
espederle: marbled white | Melanargia galathea | Schachbrett, Heiligenstock, Frankfurt
espederle: Eurasian bee beetle | Trichius fasciatus | Gebänderter Pinselkäfer, Heiligenstock, Frankfurt
espederle: Thymelicus lineola (Schwarzkolbiger Braun-Dickkopffalter), Heiligenstock, Frankfurt
espederle: yellow bedstraw | Galium verum | Gelbes Labkraut, Heiligenstock, Frankfurt
espederle: chestnut leaves and fruits, Heiligenstock, Frankfurt
espederle: thistle detail, Frankfurt city forest
espederle: thistle with small visitor, Frankfurt city forest