esoldal: tall horizon
esoldal: canned food
esoldal: looking around
esoldal: ice ice baby
esoldal: oslo is ok
esoldal: right
esoldal: whatever a spider does
esoldal: at the wall
esoldal: at montparnasse
esoldal: Kivle
esoldal: Murderers.
esoldal: Proud
esoldal: Old men
esoldal: Beggin'
esoldal: At the tube
esoldal: Oh, hello!
esoldal: In the forest
esoldal: And then I got high
esoldal: At work
esoldal: Dog
esoldal: This too shall pass
esoldal: Just some grass
esoldal: Conspire
esoldal: the chase
esoldal: and then there was spring...
esoldal: describe and define
esoldal: Hamresanden 1
esoldal: Hamresanden 2
esoldal: Hamresanden 3
esoldal: My mother loves orchids