European Southern Observatory: Artist’s impression of a gamma-ray burst shining through two young galaxies in the early Universe
European Southern Observatory: VISTA gigapixel mosaic of the central parts of the Milky Way
European Southern Observatory: ALMA images of gravitationally-lensed distant star-forming galaxies
European Southern Observatory: Map of the positions of thousands of galaxies in the VIPERS survey
European Southern Observatory: A Deep Look into a Dark Sky
European Southern Observatory: The dusty cloud G2 passes the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way
European Southern Observatory: ALMA image of the gravitationally lensed galaxy SDP.81.
European Southern Observatory: Hubble image of the galaxy cluster Abell 3827
European Southern Observatory: Montage of the SDP.81 Einstein Ring and the lensed galaxy
European Southern Observatory: Artist’s impression of a gamma-ray burst and supernova powered by a magnetar
European Southern Observatory: First Results from the KiDS Survey (montage)
European Southern Observatory: A Microlensing Mystery
European Southern Observatory: GROND image of the gamma-ray burst GRB 151027B
European Southern Observatory: The past, present and future appearances of the Refsdal supernova
European Southern Observatory: X-ray image of the XXL-South Field
European Southern Observatory: Schematic diagram of the history of the Universe
European Southern Observatory: Artist’s impression of the star S2 passing very close to the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way
European Southern Observatory: ALMA probes the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
European Southern Observatory: Dark matter map of KiDS survey region (region G12)
European Southern Observatory: A large slice of the Universe
European Southern Observatory: The Hubble Ultra Deep Field seen with MUSE
European Southern Observatory: Artist’s impression of ancient galaxy megamerger
European Southern Observatory: A Universe Aglow
European Southern Observatory: Artist’s rendering of quasar P172+18
European Southern Observatory: A view of the M87 supermassive black hole in polarised light
European Southern Observatory: A blast from the past
European Southern Observatory: A record-breaking burst
European Southern Observatory: A flower with four petals
European Southern Observatory: Artist’s impression of a record-breaking fast radio burst