European Southern Observatory:
NGC 2264 and the Christmas Tree cluster
European Southern Observatory:
The globular star cluster Messier 4
European Southern Observatory:
The globular star cluster NGC 6362
European Southern Observatory:
The globular star cluster 47 Tucanae
European Southern Observatory:
The bright star cluster NGC 6520 and the strangely shaped dark cloud Barnard 86
European Southern Observatory:
Young stars in the open star cluster NGC 2547
European Southern Observatory:
The globular star cluster NGC 6752
European Southern Observatory:
The star cluster NGC 3766
European Southern Observatory:
Surprise Cloud Around Vast Star
European Southern Observatory:
The star cluster Messier 7
European Southern Observatory:
The colourful star cluster NGC 3590
European Southern Observatory:
The star cluster NGC 3293
European Southern Observatory:
The globular star cluster Messier 54
European Southern Observatory:
The Wild Duck Cluster
European Southern Observatory:
The colourful star cluster NGC 3532
European Southern Observatory:
The star cluster Messier 47
European Southern Observatory:
Star cluster NGC 6193 and nebula NGC 6188
European Southern Observatory:
First light of new laser on Adaptive Optics Facility at Paranal
European Southern Observatory:
The colourful star cluster NGC 2367
European Southern Observatory:
The rich star cluster IC 4651
European Southern Observatory:
A Microlensing Mystery
European Southern Observatory:
GRAVITY discovers new double star in Orion Trapezium Cluster
European Southern Observatory:
ALMA image of the disc around the young star TW Hydrae
European Southern Observatory:
Artist’s impression of the star S2 passing very close to the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way
European Southern Observatory:
The star cluster Messier 18 and its surroundings
European Southern Observatory:
The unusual cluster Terzan 5
European Southern Observatory:
ALMA views a stellar explosion in Orion
European Southern Observatory:
Artist’s impression of the black hole binary system in NGC 3201
European Southern Observatory:
Star formation region Lupus 3
European Southern Observatory:
The rich region around the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud