European Southern Observatory:
Eta Carinae
European Southern Observatory:
Wide-field view of the parent star of the famous exoplanet Tau Boötis b
European Southern Observatory:
Hot and brilliant O stars in star-forming regions
European Southern Observatory:
Curious spiral spotted by ALMA around red giant star R Sculptoris (data visualisation)
European Southern Observatory:
Artist’s impression of the disc of dust and gas around a brown dwarf
European Southern Observatory:
Artist’s impression of the pulsar PSR J0348+0432 and its white dwarf companion
European Southern Observatory:
ALMA observes the birth of a monster star
European Southern Observatory:
Stunning ALMA and NTT image of Newborn Star
European Southern Observatory:
New Cool Starlet in Our Backyard
European Southern Observatory:
Unveiling distant stars and galaxies
European Southern Observatory:
Composite image of Supernova 1987A
European Southern Observatory:
The field around yellow hypergiant star HR 5171
European Southern Observatory:
SPHERE images the dust ring around the star HR 4796A
European Southern Observatory:
The Gum 15 star formation region
European Southern Observatory:
Artist’s impression of dust formation around a supernova explosion
European Southern Observatory:
Screenshot of ESOcast 69
European Southern Observatory:
ALMA image of the protoplanetary disc around HL Tauri
European Southern Observatory:
Artist’s impression of a gamma-ray burst and supernova powered by a magnetar
European Southern Observatory:
Nova Centauri 2013
European Southern Observatory:
White Dwarf Resurrection
European Southern Observatory:
VLT and Hubble images of the disc around AU Microscopii
European Southern Observatory:
Screenshot of ESOcast 77
European Southern Observatory:
Outbursts from a newborn star
European Southern Observatory:
SPHERE Reveals Spiral Disc Around Nearby Star
European Southern Observatory:
Artist’s impression of the hottest and most massive touching double star
European Southern Observatory:
Infant Star’s First Steps
European Southern Observatory:
VLT image of the surroundings of VY Canis Majoris seen with SPHERE
European Southern Observatory:
The past, present and future appearances of the Refsdal supernova
European Southern Observatory:
The Flying Saucer protoplanetary disc around 2MASS J16281370-2431391
European Southern Observatory:
The dusty ring around the aging double star IRAS 08544-4431