European Southern Observatory:
An artist’s rendering of the most distant quasar
European Southern Observatory:
Artist’s impression of the huge outflow ejected from the quasar SDSS J1106+1939
European Southern Observatory:
Artist’s impression of the disc and gas streams around HD 142527
European Southern Observatory:
Artist's impression of a gas giant planet forming in the disc around the young star HD 100546
European Southern Observatory:
Artist’s impression of eclipsing binary
European Southern Observatory:
Artist’s impression of the comet factory seen by ALMA
European Southern Observatory:
An early concept design of the ERIS instrument
European Southern Observatory:
Artist's impression of the surroundings of the supermassive black hole in NGC 3783
European Southern Observatory:
Artist's impression of the Gliese 667C system
European Southern Observatory:
Poster for the IMAX® 3D movie Hidden Universe
European Southern Observatory:
Artist’s impression of a galaxy accreting material from its surroundings
European Southern Observatory:
Artist’s impression of snow lines around TW Hydrae
European Southern Observatory:
Engineering rendering of the ESPRESSO instrument
European Southern Observatory:
Three-dimensional view of ALMA observations of the outflows from NGC 253
European Southern Observatory:
The life cycle of a Sun-like star (annotated)
European Southern Observatory:
Screenshot of ESOcast60: A Polarised View of Exoplanets
European Southern Observatory:
Artist's impression of the central bulge of the Milky Way
European Southern Observatory:
Cover of The Messenger No. 153
European Southern Observatory:
Science in School 27 — Autumn 2013
European Southern Observatory:
ESO marks 50 years of fruitful collaboration with Chile
European Southern Observatory:
Cover of The Messenger No. 154
European Southern Observatory:
Reaching New Heights in Astronomy
European Southern Observatory:
Screenshot of the “Your ESO Pictures” Flickr Group
European Southern Observatory:
Screenshot of Astroimages Application for SmartTVs
European Southern Observatory:
Screenshot from the European Southern Observatory Windows app showing overview of images
European Southern Observatory:
Screenshot of ESOcast 62: "Three Planets Found in Star Cluster"
European Southern Observatory:
Cover of CAPjournal issue 14
European Southern Observatory:
Artist's impression of an exoplanet orbiting a star in the cluster Messier 67
European Southern Observatory:
ESO Shop Catalogue brochure
European Southern Observatory:
Illustration the advantage of the Ultra HD format for video compared to other formats