iemai ~: I get to be myself and I get to sing!
iemai ~: 'Like no one is watching.
iemai ~: sempre longe demais das capitais.
iemai ~: happy easter.
iemai ~: If you gotta grow up sometime
iemai ~: Everyone's saying different things to me.
iemai ~: You're gonna make mistakes you're young
iemai ~: Grow up and blow away;
iemai ~: Vês!
iemai ~: 2010.
iemai ~: All you need is money
iemai ~: Nada pode ser maior
iemai ~: Há um muro de concreto entre nossos lábios
iemai ~: complementares.
iemai ~: She's looking like a queen but if you knew what's going on in her life...
iemai ~: Always stays the same, nothing ever changes.
iemai ~: Tecnicolor
iemai ~: RAINBOW is my favorite color.
iemai ~: I don't know what kind of girl I am.
iemai ~: [6/10]
iemai ~: Going to California
iemai ~: I feel a little spaced out
iemai ~: Ainda encontro a fórmula do amor...
iemai ~: Era tão menina...
iemai ~: Sinta a natureza
iemai ~: Por que é que você não desiste de mim?
iemai ~: Minha pequena eva
iemai ~: Mas e daí?