escher is still alive: Seedling Sapling Rambling
escher is still alive: Seedling Sapling Rambling
escher is still alive: Zebra Stick Joins the Dots
escher is still alive: Grass Flower Doodles
escher is still alive: 5 Bark Boxes
escher is still alive: Floating Red Oak Leaf Squares
escher is still alive: Maple Vein Calligraphy
escher is still alive: Wych Elm Leaf Colour Slab
escher is still alive: Pagoda Stack
escher is still alive: Pagoda Stack Collapse Timelapse
escher is still alive: Sword in the Stone Stack
escher is still alive: Sweet Gum Leaf Ball
escher is still alive: Castle Crag Tornado Cairn
escher is still alive: Castle Crag Tornado Cairn
escher is still alive: Castle Crag Tornado Cairn
escher is still alive: Stone Stick Stack
escher is still alive: 5 Colour Drops
escher is still alive: Copper Beech Leaf Circle 3 Days Later