faf2019: This European robin has the art of posing.
faf2019: European robin
faf2019: Great spotted woodpecker
faf2019: Paon blanc au parc animalier de la Rochelle
faf2019: Eurasian hoopoe in the garden
faf2019: Golden retriever during his bath.
faf2019: Eye of golden retriever
faf2019: Rider accompanying her horse in the first waves.
faf2019: Red squirrel in the garden
faf2019: Don't tell the squirrel...
faf2019: Hey, do you recognise me?
faf2019: Bee pollinating cordyline australis flowers in the garden
faf2019: Would you like a little nut?
faf2019: squirrel posing for a photo
faf2019: Red squirrel on the oak
faf2019: Red squirrel on the pole
faf2019: Birds on sunset over Nantes
faf2019: Vegas, an elegant horse of the equestrian center in a meadow (in explore 26/01/2022)
faf2019: Horse of the equestrian center in a meadow
faf2019: Le bonheur est dans le pré
faf2019: Literally hypnotised
faf2019: Young horse behind his mother - Basse Goulaine
faf2019: Western Cattle Egret / Héron garde-boeufs / Bubulcus ibis
faf2019: Ocarina des Cimes Etoilées
faf2019: Blue tit
faf2019: Stars in your eyes
faf2019: Bird on the rock
faf2019: Incognito
faf2019: Horse portrait
faf2019: Faucon Crécerelle / Common Kestrel