esaruoho: ring_of_motion
esaruoho: atomic_suicide
esaruoho: Atomic Suicide Figure 2 - Electricity creates life by dividing stillness into two-way motion. It creates death by rest from motion.
esaruoho: A study of Fig. 18 together with the bar magnet diagrams and other polarity diagrams shown in Figs. 11 to 16 will prepare you for a better understanding of the nature of electricity and the electric current.
esaruoho: Every thought and action in this universe is centered by its energy Source, which controls its actions and thoughts from within and balances them from without by two extensions of that center. These extended poles are the ends of gravity shafts around whi
esaruoho: Nature arranges her sex divisions in unit pairs in such a manner that opposite sexes can unite as one. Nature will not allow man to reverse this order by turning one unit of an electric current, or wave, around to make sex unity impossible.
esaruoho: Atomic Suicide Figure 62: Reduced to its ultimate simplicity, Nature is a series of echoes
esaruoho: This is the way man divides stillness to produce motion - This is the way Nature divides stillness to produce motion.
esaruoho: A right-hand and left-hand spin in the direction of the oppositely projected particles, would require two extra shafts of gravity, at 90 degree angles from the gravity shaft of polarity. This is a violation of Nature's gyroscopic principle.
esaruoho: Atomic Suicide Figure 26 The Cosmic Clock - Illustrating the impossibility of disturbing the balance of God's universe, by even the weight of one electron.
esaruoho: Atomic Suicide Figure 27
esaruoho: Electric Compression Principles. Analysis of the Relation of Stillness to Motion, and of Energy to the Expression of Energy.
esaruoho: Nature's Method of Storing Energy In Mass
esaruoho: Rotation Period of any Unmarked Planet can be Calculated from Known Position and Revolution. Mass and Other Dimensions Can Be Calculated from Known Position and Rotation
esaruoho: Analysis of This Planet's Potential Position It's Oblateness and It's Inclination To It's own and to the Solar Ecliptic
esaruoho: Stability is the Inactivity of a State of Equilibrium. Motion is Active and Opposed to Equilibrium. All Motion is Relatively Unstable. Stability of Matter in Motion May only be Simulated by the Union of Exactly Equal and Opposite Plus and Minus Dimensions
esaruoho: Distance Dimension of Tonal Relations. All Mass Has a Measurable Tonal Relation to all other mass. All Potential of Energy is Active, orderly displacement of inactive inertia. The ratios of which are measurable in all dimensions.
esaruoho: First Four Octaves of the Ten Octave Cycle of Creation. The Entire Ten Octave Cycle is Simply and Orderly, Periodic Accumulation of the Constant of Energy Into Higher Power Potentials at the Expense of Speed
esaruoho: Seventh and Eighth Octave Constants, Showing the Intruding Mid-Tones developed by Intense Opposition, where Magnetic Resistance to Integration is at its Maximum
esaruoho: Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Octaves. In the Fourth Octave the So-called Physical Universe Begins with but one of its elements known to man. The element Hydrogen
esaruoho: Diagram of the Ten Octave Cycle of Integrating and Disintegrating Light Units into Atomic Systems Called the "Elements of Matter"
esaruoho: The Formula of the Locked Potentials as Applied to the Law of Emanation Orbits
esaruoho: All Effects of Motion are orderly and periodic. The Cosmic Pendulum Unfailingly Records and Adjusts All Periodicities
esaruoho: Matter Is An Appearance Due to a Preponderance of Electric Force. It disappears through a Preponderance of Magnetic Force
esaruoho: Chart Classifying Locked Potential Points and Tones of Bound Energy According To Their Octave Numbers
esaruoho: The Law - In Any wave the Inductive Current Seeks the Higher Pressures at the Apex of its Cone of Energy, and the Conductive Current Seeks the Low Pressures at its Base
esaruoho: The outward pressures of radiation and centrifugal force lose all spherical form and curvature by disappearance into the six planes of zero curvature, which bound all cubic wave-fields.
esaruoho: Atomic Suicide: Non-Conformity of Lee-Yang Theory
esaruoho: Atomic Suicide: Sex Division In The Electric Current
esaruoho: Nature creates sex-conditioned bodies by polarizing an equilibrium condition. Nature destroys bodies by depolarizing them. Nature repeats bodies through inter-change between their opposite conditions. All bodies are eternally repeated.