esagor: SFEC mixed 2013: Mixed aspen-spruce stand released manually 10-years prior
esagor: SFEC Mixed 2013: Blandin's Cheryl Adams welcomes the group to our first stop
esagor: SFEC mixed 2013: Walking into a 13-year old chemically released spruce planting
esagor: SFEC mixed 2013: Accidental skipped area in treated spruce
esagor: SFEC mixed 2013: At the edge of a 13 year old mixed spruce-aspen stand manually thinned 10 years prior
esagor: SFEC mixed 2013: Almendinger discussing MN DNR's Ecological Classification Systems and silvicultural applications
esagor: SFEC mixed 2013: Inside a 13-year old mixed aspen-spruce stand manually released 10 years prior
esagor: SFEC mixed 2013: Inside a 13-year old mixed aspen-spruce stand manually released 10 years prior (2)
esagor: Entering an older thinned aspen stand, underplanted with spruce (2)
esagor: Blandin string-of-pearls, larger view
esagor: Blandin string-of-pearls treatment