esagor: IMAG1298 Westfalia van 1982
esagor: IMAG1300 SJU campus building
esagor: IMAG1303 MNoaks Kroll opening slide
esagor: IMAG1305 MNoaks
esagor: IMAG1307 MNoaks group walking
esagor: IMAG1311 MNoaks Vogelberg shelterwood exclosure inside
esagor: IMAG1312 MNoaks Vogelberg shelterwood exclosure outside
esagor: IMAG1313 John Maile discussing use of carbide cutter crusher MNoaks
esagor: IMAG1314 MNoaks right ironwood unburned, left burned 6 yrs ago
esagor: IMAG1315 Foreground: treated by roller crusher 2 years ago; background never treated, dominated by ironwood
esagor: IMAG1316 MNoaks sign
esagor: IMAG1319 When you do a shelterwood and walk away: Stand dominated by 15 yr ironwood
esagor: IMAG1320 Klevorn, others discussing silvicultural options
esagor: IMAG1323 Peter Bundy discussing disturbance ecology and silviculture in MNoaks
esagor: IMAG1324 MNoaks flying squirrel trap
esagor: IMAG1325 Peter Bundy discussing disturbance ecology and silviculture in MNoaks
esagor: IMAG1326 Peter Bundy discussing disturbance ecology and silviculture in MNoaks
esagor: IMAG1328 red oak two stems rotten roots, blown down MNoaks
esagor: IMAG1330 tree selection two stemmed red oak MNoaks
esagor: IMAG1331 MNoaks SJU pond through trees
esagor: IMAG1333 MNoaks John Korzeniowski talking fencing
esagor: IMAG1335 MNoaks shelterwood 60pct crown closure red oak SJU
esagor: IMAG1336 MNoaks shelterwood 60pct crown closure red oak SJU
esagor: IMAG1337 red oak v-shaped connection with decay split red oak MNoaks
esagor: IMAG1338 MNoaks accidental young birch stand
esagor: IMAG1339 Pottery Clay Piles shelterwood SJU MNoaks
esagor: IMAG1340 Pottery Clay Piles shelterwood after 5 years SJU MNoaks
esagor: IMAG1341 Pottery Clay Piles shelterwood SJU MNoaks
esagor: IMAG1344 Pottery Clay Piles shelterwood regeneration after 5 yrs maple SJU MNoaks
esagor: Deer exclosure with woven wire fencing