esagor: Backyard ash before felling
esagor: Green ash stump just after felling using Game of Logging technique
esagor: Backyard ash just after felling
esagor: Closer view of green ash stump.
esagor: Checking out the tree after felling.
esagor: Chainsaw and just-cut 24-26" black ash stump
esagor: Growth rings on sapwood of just-cut 24-26" green ash
esagor: Cut face of large green ash
esagor: Remainder of strap showing almost no growth for the past 7-8 years
esagor: Fresh cut stump of 24-26" green ash tree
esagor: IMAG0355
esagor: Woodpecker activity in a recently felled large green ash
esagor: Den in large upper branch of felled black ash
esagor: Closer view of den opening in large green ash
esagor: IMAG0361
esagor: Fresh cut surface of about a 2" green ash branch
esagor: Ash top, about half cut up.
esagor: Stump and butt log, with top about half cut up.
esagor: Water bottle and snack on just-felled green ash
esagor: Butt log 1, water bottle 0