esagor: The making of a bunny cake, step 1: two round cakes
esagor: EJ with Grandma Kerber, ready to make a bunny cake
esagor: Making a bunny cake, step 2: cut one cake in half
esagor: Making a bunny cake, step 3: fold in half to make bunny's body
esagor: Making a bunny cake, step 4: cut in quarters to make head & tail
esagor: Making a bunny cake, step 5: shaping head and tail
esagor: Making a bunny cake, step 6: using frosting to stick head pieces together
esagor: Making a bunny cake: the assembled, unfrosted cake
esagor: Making a bunny cake, step 7: frosting the bunny
esagor: Making a bunny cake: the bunny takes shape.
esagor: Making a bunny cake, step 8: coconut flakes for fur
esagor: Making a bunny cake, step 9: jellybeans for eyes and nose
esagor: Making a bunny cake, step 10: paper ears. Done!
esagor: Making a bunny cake: the finished product.
esagor: Grandma Kathy, EJ, and the bunny cake.