esagor: Ash decline - two green ash yard trees
esagor: Yarrow about to bloom
esagor: The newly mulched but still forlorn raspberry patch
esagor: Tree seedlings in fenced nursery
esagor: Bur oak seedlings in fenced nursery
esagor: The perennial bed we put in in 2006
esagor: Spring prairie with sign
esagor: Black walnut in hardware cloth tree tube
esagor: Our iris bed, for mom
esagor: Bur oak seedling in hardware cloth tree tube
esagor: Bur oak seedling in tree tube, side view
esagor: Spiderwort plants
esagor: Spiderwort flowers
esagor: Spiderwort flowers
esagor: Some color in our otherwise uncolorful house
esagor: Daisies, purchased and planted late May 2006
esagor: Fenced tree nursery, mid-May 2007
esagor: Some prairie flowers, August 2006
esagor: Stiff goldenrod
esagor: Big bluestem???
esagor: Powdery mildew in the prairie, late June 2006
esagor: The backyard perennial bed, just after planting in late June 2006
esagor: Front perennial beds, 2006
esagor: Backyard perennial beds, 2005
esagor: Once our prairie looked like this... July 2005
esagor: Once our prairie looked like this... July 2005
esagor: Bladder campion
esagor: New England aster
esagor: Snakeroot takes over the prairie
esagor: Little bluestem