esagor: Aspen stems thick after a clearcut
esagor: 1999 Gunflint blowdown fuel loads
esagor: 1999 Gunflint blowdown: a mess
esagor: 1999 Gunflint blowdown salvage site
esagor: 1999 Gunflint blowdown: a mess.
esagor: Regeneration on clearcut site, Carlton County, MN
esagor: White pine with topkill
esagor: 1999 BW blowdown: Miles Island snag
esagor: 1999 BW blowdown: Southern end of 3 mile island
esagor: 1999 BW blowdown: downed trees
esagor: 1999 BW blowdown: 3-Mile Island & Seagull Lake
esagor: Forest landscape around Cloquet MN
esagor: Forest landscape around Cloquet MN
esagor: Forest landscape around Cloquet MN
esagor: Deer repellant: bloodmeal packet on tamarack
esagor: MN aspen clearcut site, 2 years after harvest
esagor: MN aspen clearcut site, immediately after harvest
esagor: MN aspen clearcut site, 1 year after harvest
esagor: Understory shrub layer in thinned red pine, Mora MN
esagor: Red oak stand after thinning, Mora MN
esagor: Red oak stump showing growth reduction
esagor: Red oak stand after thinning, Mora MN (4)
esagor: Red oak stand after thinning, Mora MN (2)
esagor: Thinned red oak, Mora MN
esagor: Red oak stand after thinning, Mora MN (3)
esagor: Thinned red oak, Mora MN
esagor: Red oak crowns after thinning, Mora MN
esagor: Crowns of thinned red oak, Mora MN
esagor: Mixed oak stand, St. John's Arboretum, MN
esagor: Mixed oak stand after prescribed burn