es-jay: Poppy seedpod
es-jay: Hedgerow flower gone to seed
es-jay: dandilion
es-jay: Dandilion gone to seed
es-jay: waiting for the wind
es-jay: seed waiting for the wind
es-jay: gone to seed
es-jay: gone to seed (black and white)
es-jay: Pumpkins.
es-jay: One for Lil.
es-jay: Square contained
es-jay: when rounds become square
es-jay: Ivy covered wall.
es-jay: A walls dress.
es-jay: Framed
es-jay: Autumn leaves
es-jay: Aasee view
es-jay: Allium and wasps 1
es-jay: Allium and wasps 2
es-jay: Peacock butterfly 1.