Erwin Co Photography: Still very early in the morning...
Erwin Co Photography: ... and the doctors are prepping Kim up already.
Erwin Co Photography: Kim can still manage to smile...
Erwin Co Photography: ... while the long wait beings.
Erwin Co Photography: The nurses check on Kim's vital stats from time to time...
Erwin Co Photography: ... and that of Ethan's too.
Erwin Co Photography: The pain is persistent...
Erwin Co Photography: ... and grows ever stronger.
Erwin Co Photography: Seems like it's taking forever...
Erwin Co Photography: ... until Dra. Poblete finally says: "It's time!"
Erwin Co Photography: Kim was rushed to the Delivery Room...
Erwin Co Photography: ... and the doctors started working on her.
Erwin Co Photography: Ethan was delivered 4:30 in the afternoon.
Erwin Co Photography: Kim and Ethan meets for the first time...
Erwin Co Photography: ... and the bonding begins.
Erwin Co Photography: A few of the tools used in the trade...
Erwin Co Photography: ... and some more.
Erwin Co Photography: Ethan is still camera shy.
Erwin Co Photography: He makes his first mark in this world.
Erwin Co Photography: The rest of the family finally gets to see Ethan in the nursery.
Erwin Co Photography: A quiet moment with daddy...
Erwin Co Photography: ... Ethan smiles for the camera.
Erwin Co Photography: Ethan had a lot of visitors...
Erwin Co Photography: ... and he gamely greets them with his warm and inviting eyes.
Erwin Co Photography: Kim with Ethan
Erwin Co Photography: Erwin with Ethan