Erutuon: Black-and-gold bee on blazing-star
Erutuon: Bumblebee with pollen basket
Erutuon: Leafcutter bee tongue
Erutuon: Longhorn bee
Erutuon: Green iridescent bee
Erutuon: Sweat bee on oregano: 2
Erutuon: Bee on fameflower: 2
Erutuon: American painted lady laying eggs on European pussytoes
Erutuon: Tiger swallowtail's tongue
Erutuon: Silver-spotted skipper on blazing-star
Erutuon: Banded hairstreak
Erutuon: Squash vine borer moth on milkweed
Erutuon: Twig caterpillar: 2
Erutuon: Male wedge-shaped beetle on boneset
Erutuon: Sand wasp on mountain-mint
Erutuon: Beewolf on partridge pea
Erutuon: Bee fly
Erutuon: Shiny green fly
Erutuon: What I thought was a crazy wasp
Erutuon: Yellowjacket hoverfly
Erutuon: Hoverfly on Alpine strawberry: 4
Erutuon: Silhouette of pestilential beetle
Erutuon: Ant tickling aphids
Erutuon: Closeup of convergent ladybug
Erutuon: Naughty four-lined plant bug
Erutuon: Mystery arthropod
Erutuon: Two grasshoppers waiting out the rain
Erutuon: Mystery dragonfly
Erutuon: Iridescent green beetle
Erutuon: Flies mating