erutan: waking up to shasta
erutan: mt rainier
erutan: late start
erutan: covering the hay
erutan: in need of restoration
erutan: dinner @ bay point state park
erutan: too fat
erutan: they let us go / but we lost one
erutan: bike friendly bridge
erutan: tori gate
erutan: pano from ferry building
erutan: juicy dog
erutan: mongolian chz dog
erutan: friday harbour
erutan: we all ride
erutan: ferry pinball
erutan: pastoral
erutan: western preserve
erutan: halo
erutan: ~lime kiln SP
erutan: nature perserveres
erutan: spotted slug?
erutan: perfection
erutan: sunset pano
erutan: tropical glow
erutan: blue dusk
erutan: human power only
erutan: bike camp
erutan: andrea
erutan: abigail's bike