erutan: yosemite falls pools from trail
erutan: upper yosemite falls
erutan: oh dip
erutan: base of upper yosemite falls
erutan: base of upper yosemite falls (behind)
erutan: end of pools
erutan: pools
erutan: vernal falls
erutan: nevada falls
erutan: nevada falls via panorama trail
erutan: panorama point perch
erutan: illilouette falls side
erutan: illilouette falls (front)
erutan: glacier point tourist II
erutan: cathedral spires
erutan: lambert dome
erutan: tuolumne meadows :3
erutan: is on rock
erutan: sunset in front of cafe
erutan: middle gaylor lake from peak
erutan: granite lakes from above
erutan: old mining cabin
erutan: crawlspace
erutan: cathedral on horizon
erutan: far granite lake island
erutan: blue on green
erutan: evening forest
erutan: road to lodge
erutan: JMT back from lodge
erutan: lambert on fire