erocketship7: Delicate Arch
erocketship7: Hiking out of Lost Canyon
erocketship7: IMG_0887
erocketship7: Lost Canyon
erocketship7: IMG_0738
erocketship7: IMG_0932-HDR
erocketship7: Storm in the distance
erocketship7: The Green River
erocketship7: Last light
erocketship7: side view
erocketship7: IMG_0690-HDR
erocketship7: Utah Route 211
erocketship7: La Sal Mountains from the Needles District
erocketship7: Squaw Canyon
erocketship7: IMG_1041
erocketship7: IMG_1106
erocketship7: IMG_0689
erocketship7: Driving from the Needles back to Moab
erocketship7: IMG_0824
erocketship7: IMG_0945
erocketship7: IMG_0953-HDR
erocketship7: IMG_0957-HDR
erocketship7: Shafer Canyon Road
erocketship7: Near the Green River Overlook
erocketship7: IMG_0789
erocketship7: IMG_0728
erocketship7: IMG_0715
erocketship7: Mesa Arch
erocketship7: IMG_4515-HDR
erocketship7: IMG_4407-Pano