erocketship7: IMG_8442-HDR
erocketship7: IMG_8503
erocketship7: IMG_8445-HDR
erocketship7: Northbound Red and the skyline
erocketship7: Riverbend
erocketship7: Balconies at Randolph Place
erocketship7: The Mart
erocketship7: S. R. Crown Hall
erocketship7: S. R. Crown Hall
erocketship7: Riverside Plaza
erocketship7: IMG_8573
erocketship7: Wolf Point
erocketship7: Towers on the North Branch
erocketship7: Bridges over the river
erocketship7: IMG_8567
erocketship7: IMG_8352
erocketship7: IMG_8528
erocketship7: IMG_8334
erocketship7: Randolph Street
erocketship7: IMG_8569