ernohannink: @jack dorsey inventer of twitter demos his new product Square #leweb09
ernohannink: Photo's #leweb
ernohannink: @loic and @geraldine open #leweb 2009
ernohannink: Leweb 09 is about to start
ernohannink: @scobleizer at #leweb
ernohannink: @loic talks about seesmic #leweb behind the scenes
ernohannink: Leweb behind the scenes at google
ernohannink: Ryan Sarver Twitter at LeWeb
ernohannink: @loic and @geraldine open #leweb 2009
ernohannink: Twitter developers site #leweb09 #twitter
ernohannink: Pearltrees with @scobleizer
ernohannink: Chris Pirillo @chrispirillo #leweb09 on community
ernohannink: Niklas Zennström #leweb09
ernohannink: Day 2 #leweb
ernohannink: @loic and @geraldine open day 2 #leweb09
ernohannink: Tony Hsieh @zappos
ernohannink: @chrisbrogan on trust #leweb09
ernohannink: @queenrania on stage about social media and communication #leweb09
ernohannink: How brands and marketing have to adapt to this new ww real time wom #leweb09
ernohannink: World wide real time word of mouth panel in depth discussion room #leweb09