ernohannink: Winnaars PEP talk #mp08
ernohannink: Jackie Huba
ernohannink: Jackie Huba #mp08
ernohannink: Jackie Huba - threatless
ernohannink: Personal Mobile Content SPRX
ernohannink: Raimo van der Klein - SPRX #mp08
ernohannink: Simone Brummelhuis - The Next Women
ernohannink: 11122008494
ernohannink: 11122008495
ernohannink: Frans van Zon
ernohannink: Michiel de Nijs - Tribal #mp08
ernohannink: Gijs de Swarte - Youaddaily #mp08
ernohannink: Advocacy Factor model
ernohannink: Frans van Zon - The Advocacy Factor #mp08
ernohannink: Michiel Gerbranda - Mindz #mp08
ernohannink: Michiel Gerbranda
ernohannink: The social technographics ladder #mp08
ernohannink: Reineke Reitsma - Forrester #mp08
ernohannink: The Next Women
ernohannink: The Next Women - Simone Brummelhuis
ernohannink: Simone Brummelhuis facts
ernohannink: John Kievit opent Marketing Pioneers #mp08
ernohannink: Simone Brummelhuis van The Next Web eerste pep talk #mp08
ernohannink: Marketing Pioneers 2008