ernie: The mission: find out how a flame-broiled Nutrisystem beef patty can stay unrefrigerated...
ernie: The Flame broiled beef patty in its natural state
ernie: Flame broiled beef patty with packaging removed
ernie: Paris tries pre-rehydrated burger
ernie: I taste the burger patty (pre-rehydration)
ernie: Jen tries pre-hydrated burger
ernie: In the process of rehydration
ernie: Burger patty post rehydration
ernie: Stay classy, Nutrisystem.
ernie: Jen tries the burger after rehydration and...
ernie: ... it's...
ernie: ..."delicious!"
ernie: ...I mean, delicious!
ernie: Me trying the burger...
ernie: ...and it tastes like meat!
ernie: ... kind of.
ernie: ...tries a bit of it, just to make sure...
ernie: Paris points out what the burger has the consistency of...
ernie: And finds it appropriate to use as an ample substitute should you not have any Nutrisystem beef patties available in your pantry (or supply closet)