ernie: Randy wears cool shirts. That is all
ernie: Maneki Neko, made entirely from lego
ernie: It's OK to Go Fuck Yourself
ernie: Bathroom at the Bayanihan Center
ernie: yitz's university of chicago t-shirt
ernie: Found my old Yahoo business cards from 8 or 9 years ago
ernie: dance($we); leave($you[friends]);
ernie: Here's to you, Tragic Korean Soap Opera
ernie: They have a gay strip mall by Ft. Lauderdale.
ernie: MJ gets married ^_^
ernie: Thomas & Jeb's "Totally Gay Wedding™"
ernie: Lea-Anne, the sexy referee
ernie: my chat with tom of myspace
ernie: My contribution to the Song Chart Project
ernie: popstar math
ernie: Ernie, Fremont CA
ernie: I think I've been called this once.
ernie: Or as they say in Miami, Thursday
ernie: Alas, the Justin Beiber body pillow won't fit in my suitcase.
ernie: Day two of Portland: our conference borders a goat field. Kareem is handling this well, I think.
ernie: 360 Degrees - TEH BOY BAND!!11one
ernie: For the contextless, we found the label on a bottle of salad dressing. Own it, I suppose.
ernie: it's like gay lasers are coming out of tom coates' eyes
ernie: Paris' art display at Bacios
ernie: The books came in!
ernie: because if we can't make fun of ourselves...
ernie: vaguely worried camgirl
ernie: Kareem and Joey staged our living room for K's kickstarter doc. This is what I woke to.
ernie: I can wear this now that I'm not a Yahoo! anymore