ERIO: Blue Cyber-hook
ERIO: Thank you for the time we will spend together...
ERIO: I want my hulk side to dive deeply...
ERIO: Blue water...
ERIO: LOVE is not forever
ERIO: At the end of the passage...
ERIO: más....
ERIO: Sad story on the roof...
ERIO: ERIO's heaven
ERIO: Old new news
ERIO: Its Sandwich Time!!!
ERIO: Finding Nemo...
ERIO: Happy Ramadan, my muslim friends...
ERIO: Solea's Time...
ERIO: Marge, are you OK?
ERIO: Crystal ball...
ERIO: Picasso
ERIO: Ännëtä is the STAR...
ERIO: Statue in shadows...
ERIO: |>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>
ERIO: SKYscraper
ERIO: Freedom is useless....
ERIO: Y como llamo yo a esto???
ERIO: Am I THAT complicated? :(
ERIO: Sólo alone... Only sólo...
ERIO: ........................................................
ERIO: Without a lighthouse...
ERIO: ...