Erin's shenanigans:
Tim and Tom; Erin and Sabra
Erin's shenanigans:
Meeting Helen Thomas
Erin's shenanigans:
With my dog Matt...before he cut his hair
Erin's shenanigans:
my favorite part of the conventions
Erin's shenanigans:
bill jr. and brooke
Erin's shenanigans:
Erin's shenanigans:
with katie
Erin's shenanigans:
the jaconi hand picture
Erin's shenanigans:
mo, sabra, the anchor booth
Erin's shenanigans:
first real press conference covered
Erin's shenanigans:
Erin's shenanigans:
the booth from inside
Erin's shenanigans:
Erin's shenanigans:
at the desk before it starts