Erin's shenanigans: the trip begins...with a flat
Erin's shenanigans: ooh, look at that shiny rim
Erin's shenanigans: getting the car off the ground
Erin's shenanigans: men investigating things.
Erin's shenanigans: a woman's work: sitting on the tire while the boys do the work.
Erin's shenanigans: disco fantastic
Erin's shenanigans: so much fun
Erin's shenanigans: paul -- the freaking rock star
Erin's shenanigans: waiting...blissfully
Erin's shenanigans: try number 1
Erin's shenanigans: ooh, again...still trying for a good pic
Erin's shenanigans: more climbing
Erin's shenanigans: the kaiser chiefs climbing things
Erin's shenanigans: the kaiser chiefs
Erin's shenanigans: best. mohawk. ever.
Erin's shenanigans: uh, weird stuff
Erin's shenanigans: the arctic monkes!!
Erin's shenanigans: the beer garden
Erin's shenanigans: awesomeness
Erin's shenanigans: love at first roar
Erin's shenanigans: the cougars' doggie
Erin's shenanigans: cause you always have to have one of these
Erin's shenanigans: you can't tell, but he kind of throws like a girl
Erin's shenanigans: playing football at the pool
Erin's shenanigans: our love fest at the beer garden
Erin's shenanigans: oops, too close. but i want to note how steve is stradling josh.
Erin's shenanigans: I have nothing to write here. Sarah has already said enough.