Erin's shenanigans: the scene of the crime
Erin's shenanigans: moving from 3508 :(
Erin's shenanigans: last night on the stoop
Erin's shenanigans: clearing the stree for ford
Erin's shenanigans: best picture of Lex EVER
Erin's shenanigans: Erin and Jenae...dualing teals
Erin's shenanigans: Lex still doesn't believe it's Erin
Erin's shenanigans: Erin and Kevvy
Erin's shenanigans: franny-brian booty bump
Erin's shenanigans: the booty bump from above
Erin's shenanigans: Jenae and Billy
Erin's shenanigans: Erin and Jenny meet! FINALLY!
Erin's shenanigans: Lex, Sean and the DEVIL
Erin's shenanigans: erin and billy make-up...where's the proposal?
Erin's shenanigans: what is that guy looking at?
Erin's shenanigans: Kickball team reunion -- Short Bus!