Erin - TwoMoreSeconds: 8 pm - watering my front porch planters. And thats a wrap on a picture an hour today! #10on10
Erin - TwoMoreSeconds: 7 pm - two shut doors means bedtime! Busy last hour - fed, bathed, read to & put to sleep 2 wild boys. Marc's late tonight so now it's me time!! #10on10
Erin - TwoMoreSeconds: 6 pm - cookies out of the oven. Still searching for THE perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe. This was a new to me one & they're just ok. #10on10
Erin - TwoMoreSeconds: 5 pm - chalking outside. #10on10
Erin - TwoMoreSeconds: 4 pm - there's 4 sticks of butter going in these puppies. #10on10
Erin - TwoMoreSeconds: 3 pm - computer time for some sewing summit business.
Erin - TwoMoreSeconds: 2 pm - organizing some washi tape. #10on10
Erin - TwoMoreSeconds: 1 pm - refueling. #10on10
Erin - TwoMoreSeconds: Noon - running errands. #10on10
Erin - TwoMoreSeconds: 11 am - cuddles with a little guy that needs some mama time. #10on10
Erin - TwoMoreSeconds: 10 am - new contacts day is the best day. #10on10
Erin - TwoMoreSeconds: 9am- making the beds. #10on10