Erinn Shirley: S. Glebe Road
Erinn Shirley: Memorial bridge, Washington, DC
Erinn Shirley: Snowmelt
Erinn Shirley: Winter's release
Erinn Shirley: Arlington Mill Community Center
Erinn Shirley: Four Mile Run snowmelt
Erinn Shirley: Four Mile Run
Erinn Shirley: Frozen rain
Erinn Shirley: Waxing gibbous moon
Erinn Shirley: Waxing gibbous moon
Erinn Shirley: Insulators
Erinn Shirley: Pears - decomposition
Erinn Shirley: Four Mile Run path
Erinn Shirley: Four Mile Run Path at Columbia Pike
Erinn Shirley: Columbia Pike overpass at Four Mile Run
Erinn Shirley: Four Mile Run falls
Erinn Shirley: Four Mile Run telephone poles
Erinn Shirley: Barcroft pedestrian bridge
Erinn Shirley: Barcroft bridge
Erinn Shirley: Flagpole
Erinn Shirley: Four Mile run vegetation
Erinn Shirley: A murder of crows
Erinn Shirley: Pre-treatment trucks - Valentine's Day storm
Erinn Shirley: West Virginia train
Erinn Shirley: the mailbox
Erinn Shirley: Hillsboro Cemetary
Erinn Shirley: Sunset near Shenandoah
Erinn Shirley: Greater white-fronted goose
Erinn Shirley: Quincy St. and Glebe Rd.